look at those eyes
A self-initiated project to promote my practice of corporate business portraits in the studio. The stunning model Hanna Cates from Alan Sharman and make-up by Kellie Licorish.
Shot in my studio using a mix of daylight. Streaming through my massive lovely windows, and a small amount of controlled studio flash.
I used the monster Hasselblad H3 with a 120mm lens. Shallow focus with apertures of no more than F4.5, brilliant results.
Daylight and Tungsten Mixed
The colour mix of warm tungsten bulbs, with the cold daylight. Adds interest to what would have been a straightforward portrait.
The hypnotic gaze of Hanna, adding to the power of the shot. The simple and clean styling creates a classic portrait.
In reality, when you’re normally commissioned for this type of work it is understandably very time-sensitive. You just don’t get the luxury of time.
Sometimes with as little as 5 minutes per person. A portrait is the last thing they want to be doing, just before presenting to the board.
Its easier when you are relaxed and the subject is relaxed. I have over the years produced some of my best and most rewarding work.
A bonus is you can get to meet some very interesting people.
Check out some of my various successes on my portrait page.